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river system facts

Our decisions have real impacts on humans, the environment, and the climate.

Know the facts about our river system.


The Columbia Snake River System provides 90% of the renewable power generated in the Pacific Northwest


The river system reduces traffic congestion and pollution. In 2019, it would have taken 150,784 semi-trucks or 39,204 rail cars to move the cargo that was barged on the Snake River alone.


Juvenile fish survival rates past each of the eight federal dams are between 95% and 98%

5 or 6 years

Eliminating the clean power and efficient transportation provided by the Lower Snake River dams would increase cumulative carbon emissions equivalent to building a coal-fired power plant like the one in Boardman, Oregon, every five or six years

1 in 5

Breaching the dams would disproportionately affect communities that can least afford it. The 10 counties most affected by this scenario are primarily rural areas in which 1 in 5 people are already at or below the federal poverty level


Salmon are affected by a variety of issues throughout their lifecycle, including ocean conditions, access to spawning habitat, non-point source pollution, and predation. From 2002 through 2018, pinnipeds observed at Bonneville Dam consumed an estimated 71,000 salmon and steelhead.

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